finding the time

June 18, 2013 § 4 Comments

art party invite 4

I’ve read the blogs and the Facebook updates, and I stand in solidarity with those other frazzled and fried moms out there who, like me, are SO OVER this school year. I’m done – ready for the summer and an end to the madness that is ballet recital rehearsals and teacher gift planning and end of the year parties and volunteer brunches and wrap-up meetings, etc. etc. etc. I’m burned out and sick of the missed deadlines and late arrivals and last-minute juggling. I’m ready for the happy lull that comes with sleeping in late and lounging around in your pajamas and letting the summer days take you where they want.

So why then, you may ask, was I up ’til 2:00 a.m. a few nights ago making 18 homemade party invitations for my darling Sophie’s 9th birthday party? Because despite the fact that I’m tired and jaded and a little overwhelmed by my life, I’ve taken stock and decided that there are some little things that are just too important to let go. It’s crazy times like these that I need to remind myself of the things that truly make me happy, that define my family’s story and that make up the memories that we cherish year after year. For us, one of those things is our family birthday parties. I’ve always done a handmade invitation, and I always go all out to put together a special birthday celebration. For my girls, that’s one of the ways I show my love. And in all the chaos that is our life right now – not only wrapping up a busy school year, but also buying a new house and fixing it up – I don’t want to let go of what’s important to us. So I will find the time to make it happen.

I’ll be late to the meeting and forget to bring the snack and bag out of another volunteer commitment, but I will not forget to slow down long enough to remember what matters. I’m exhausted, but I can rest easy knowing that we will have a few more memories to savor.

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